List of supported language codes according to ISO 639-1
LC | Country |
af | Afghanistan |
al | Albania |
dz | Algeria |
as | American Samoa |
ad | Andorra |
ao | Angola |
ai | Anguilla |
aq | Antarctica |
ag | Antigua and Barbuda |
ar | Argentina |
am | Armenia |
aw | Aruba |
au | Australia |
at | Austria |
az | Azerbaijan |
bs | Bahamas |
bh | Bahrain |
bd | Bangladesh |
bb | Barbados |
by | Belarus |
be | Belgium |
bz | Belize |
bj | Benin |
bm | Bermuda |
bt | Bhutan |
bo | Bolivia |
ba | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
bw | Botswana |
bv | Bouvet Island |
br | Brazil |
io | British Indian Ocean Territory |
bn | Brunei Darussalam |
bg | Bulgaria |
bf | Burkina Faso |
bi | Burundi |
kh | Cambodia |
cm | Cameroon |
ca | Canada |
cv | Cape Verde |
ky | Cayman Islands |
cf | Central African Republic |
td | Chad |
cl | Chile |
cn | China |
cx | Christmas Island |
cc | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
co | Colombia |
km | Comoros |
cg | Congo |
cd | Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
ck | Cook Islands |
cr | Costa Rica |
ci | Cote D'ivoire |
hr | Croatia |
cu | Cuba |
cy | Cyprus |
cz | Czech Republic |
dk | Denmark |
dj | Djibouti |
dm | Dominica |
do | Dominican Republic |
ec | Ecuador |
eg | Egypt |
sv | El Salvador |
gq | Equatorial Guinea |
er | Eritrea |
ee | Estonia |
et | Ethiopia |
fk | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
fo | Faroe Islands |
fj | Fiji |
fi | Finland |
fr | France |
gf | French Guiana |
pf | French Polynesia |
tf | French Southern Territories |
ga | Gabon |
gm | Gambia |
ge | Georgia |
de | Germany |
gh | Ghana |
gi | Gibraltar |
gr | Greece |
gl | Greenland |
gd | Grenada |
gp | Guadeloupe |
gu | Guam |
gt | Guatemala |
gn | Guinea |
gw | Guinea-Bissau |
gy | Guyana |
ht | Haiti |
hm | Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands |
va | Holy See (Vatican City State) |
hn | Honduras |
hk | Hong Kong |
hu | Hungary |
is | Iceland |
in | India |
id | Indonesia |
ir | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
iq | Iraq |
ie | Ireland |
il | Israel |
it | Italy |
jm | Jamaica |
jp | Japan |
jo | Jordan |
kz | Kazakhstan |
ke | Kenya |
ki | Kiribati |
kp | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
kr | Korea, Republic of |
kw | Kuwait |
kg | Kyrgyzstan |
la | Lao People's Democratic Republic |
lv | Latvia |
lb | Lebanon |
ls | Lesotho |
lr | Liberia |
ly | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya |
li | Liechtenstein |
lt | Lithuania |
lu | Luxembourg |
mo | Macao |
mk | Macedonia, the Former Yugosalv Republic of |
mg | Madagascar |
mw | Malawi |
my | Malaysia |
mv | Maldives |
ml | Mali |
mt | Malta |
mh | Marshall Islands |
mq | Martinique |
mr | Mauritania |
mu | Mauritius |
yt | Mayotte |
mx | Mexico |
fm | Micronesia, Federated States of |
md | Moldova, Republic of |
mc | Monaco |
mn | Mongolia |
ms | Montserrat |
ma | Morocco |
mz | Mozambique |
mm | Myanmar |
na | Namibia |
nr | Nauru |
np | Nepal |
nl | Netherlands |
an | Netherlands Antilles |
nc | New Caledonia |
nz | New Zealand |
ni | Nicaragua |
ne | Niger |
ng | Nigeria |
nu | Niue |
nf | Norfolk Island |
mp | Northern Mariana Islands |
no | Norway |
om | Oman |
pk | Pakistan |
pw | Palau |
ps | Palestinian Territory, Occupied |
pa | Panama |
pg | Papua New Guinea |
py | Paraguay |
pe | Peru |
ph | Philippines |
pn | Pitcairn |
pl | Poland |
pt | Portugal |
pr | Puerto Rico |
qa | Qatar |
re | Reunion |
ro | Romania |
ru | Russian Federation |
rw | Rwanda |
sh | Saint Helena |
kn | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
lc | Saint Lucia |
pm | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
vc | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
ws | Samoa |
sm | San Marino |
st | Sao Tome and Principe |
sa | Saudi Arabia |
sn | Senegal |
rs | Serbia and Montenegro |
sc | Seychelles |
sl | Sierra Leone |
sg | Singapore |
sk | Slovakia |
si | Slovenia |
sb | Solomon Islands |
so | Somalia |
za | South Africa |
gs | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
es | Spain |
lk | Sri Lanka |
sd | Sudan |
sr | Suriname |
sj | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
sz | Swaziland |
se | Sweden |
ch | Switzerland |
sy | Syrian Arab Republic |
tw | Taiwan, Province of China |
tj | Tajikistan |
tz | Tanzania, United Republic of |
th | Thailand |
tl | Timor-Leste |
tg | Togo |
tk | Tokelau |
to | Tonga |
tt | Trinidad and Tobago |
tn | Tunisia |
tr | Turkey |
tm | Turkmenistan |
tc | Turks and Caicos Islands |
tv | Tuvalu |
ug | Uganda |
ua | Ukraine |
ae | United Arab Emirates |
uk | United Kingdom |
gb | United Kingdom |
us | United States |
um | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
uy | Uruguay |
uz | Uzbekistan |
vu | Vanuatu |
ve | Venezuela |
vn | Viet Nam |
vg | Virgin Islands, British |
vi | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
wf | Wallis and Futuna |
eh | Western Sahara |
ye | Yemen |
zm | Zambia |
zw | Zimbabwe |
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